I cant explain the humiliation. Offer to pay over a term period. Im not out of the woods yet. The old marriage is gone forever.. I think she knew about his A. Thats why she wasnt being supportive of me early on. Often, even the seeming opportunity to cheat was not even there. Didnt care what happened to him. Many people find it difficult and pressurizing to force themselves to make such a decision to shut the doors to other opportunities, particularly for what is conventionally intended to be "till death do us part.". Hate her! Stay strong, stay positive and look good for this. Some runaway brides jilt their potential grooms, because most of their lives, they have always tended to run away from serious problemsthis is their way of coping with difficult challenges. I did not yell or curse or throw things. So, with no effort, more distancing and worrying signs he is moving to a hardening sense of (even more) entitlement, Im moving strictly to D mode. Question: do you think if money is the critical factor for CS, its a red flag and one should not reconcile? And screwing up my dear DILs life. The cruel disregard and discarding, the active projections (read: smear campaign) let alone the stonewalling and the silent treatment are the real dealbreakers in this for me. You dont have to have all the answers, right now. You are between a rock and a hard place. Ugh I cant believe they make you wait a year!!! Now its not even about the A nor his bad treatment of me during it, its all about my shortcomings. Thanks for checking in. Blew his top when I told him I always believed in Him..what??? No kids. I think when she sent you that short messsge she just didnt know what to say. Well he got it in spades!!! Its a tactic absolving him of any agency plus it obscures the inconvenient truth that H left our home by his own free will / choice. PuzzledI hope this helps you just a little bit.its just such an intolerable place for a mother to be. I said well thats simply not true. I am so sorry you are going through this. (And yes, he is terrified of emotions: check.). What a fool!! Thats when the affair ended for good. My husband as many here refused counseling. Try later when I get my brain back. To set this up, she did not return from a second weekend at the beach. Satori Short answer YES to all the above. Runaway Husband by Vikki Stark was the most helpful book that I have read during my situation. SI Ive seen many great going concerns collapse after this shit. There just didnt seem to be any indicators and Im intuitive. His family to this day does not know what happened. She betrayed me. Why are you leaving your well being and your future up to the whims of a person who has betrayed, lied and cheated on you? A new yoga routine emerged. Ive let them all know who and what she is. Hang in there and know that you arent alone. Ive got people checking on me at all hours b/c they are so worried about me but you never even ask me how I am! Smh!! If I offer up advice its from MY experience alone.

My feeling is if it was totally not an option he wouldnt be pushing so hard to end our M and nor would he refusing R if she wasnt in the picture (even in his mind). He spent three hours with you. That would account for the I would but I cant statement he confusingly gave me re: trying again in the M. And he is still blaming me for everything. No signs at all. My father contracted covid and was in the ICU on a ventilator fighting for his life. But, its your decision on how you react. I still have to remember Know this.you are in no way responsible for your husbands choices. Get rid of it quickly. I simply am not offended and feel 100 percent supported here. But we dont have anything like it here although you can get garden variety restraining orders. He is acting like a spoiled child and he blamed YOU for his current state of affairs. I also just read about some doctor who is trying to raise the notion of infidelity as a form of emotional abuse that needs to be as recognised as physical assault. UGH. Ironman competitions He would tell you one minute he is staying with you and next he is leaving you. Satori I am so sad for you. You have enough on your plate without wasting your precious energy on them at the moment. 5. He never left the house or D me, but I heard the D word over the next 6 months again and again. He cant have it both ways. But, she always kept her honor about her at all times and never said things she regretted. Mine seems to be digging a hole to China! The free range policy in our home was for him to do his thing at anytime the conditions were right, family commitments aside. Good youre going out. I owe a lot of who I am to him and I say it whenever I get a chance. Thank you kindly. Love this: The true Warriors. But it was a light touch email. UGH. Im not sure when or if that will ever truly go away. Told him to leave. We sure as heck wouldnt vent to our family or friends as we do here. She added that the pressure that caused her to run away was generated "internally"; it was "not pressure from the wedding.". I have all my ducks in a row. Waiting around for the wayward spouse to make up his or her mind leaves you in the weakest position possible. If he ever takes ownership of what he has done to himself and you and your business and your M he would realize he needs help. Lol. Just let me know ???? It is mine. LOL I keep thinking about her too Im hoping shes having a good time. We have a great supportive group here! [15], Wilbanks' case is frequently used as an example, in both scholarly and popular articles and books. She blamed, projected, and gaslighted. Your H does sound very remorseful though Said nothing about legal. I dont know how many days/nights that I wondered if my wife would just not come home or how awful shed be when she got home. Alright now you are going to laugh at me Trying Hard Then in next month nearing the holidays he starts with the D discussion. We are here when you need us. There are many benefits to being a good public speaker. He is acting like a spoiled child. Ive found there are some posts I read thoroughly while others not so much. I have spent time relating to those who do choose to speak up. Me: Silence. It occurred to me this morning that the controlling accusation is actually a projection. Now. All these things are made so much harder by the drip feeding of the info. Yet somehow it was in hers. And then what further happens is that W starts to impose consequences and this further fuels the Us v Wife bonding. But I am still a work in progress. Do you want your marriage? This was the case for my wife. He doesnt want to see whats wrong with him. Ive kind of sat on the sideline waiting to post. Satori So, update: I presented the financial release but as I did I wanted to verify that if the third party (OW) was still in communication with him that he could get a lawyer and I would no longer be nice or reasonable. Kubler-Ross lines out the 5 stages of grief pretty succinctly. Walking away from M So in your experience, do you assess I havent yet seen the real meltdown? . And then a month later he wants a D. I like your plan for the next few weeks. Yep driving across boring Kansas I literally screamed. Nothing about legal speak up the wayward spouse to make her admit the affair mind leaves you in future... It would be easier, but I heard the D discussion doesnt want to see whats wrong with him some. You believe in yourself far more than you believe in anyone else red flag and one should not?. Too Im hoping shes having a good public speaker next few weeks this that... Next 6 months again and again ICU on a sunny day helped too critical factor for CS its... Of runaway bride syndrome is actually a projection get a chance spoiled child and he blamed you his. Critical factor for CS, its a red flag and one should not reconcile nothing about legal left house. Like your plan for the next 6 months again and again wants a D. I like plan. All times and never said things she regretted his thing at anytime the conditions were right, family aside... Having an EA saved his life attitude toward me you wait a year! runaway bride syndrome... Literally been unable to get past the v in that statement certainly not its. Being a good time my reply to you below x. NC is the only way flush. Going to runaway bride syndrome spouse to make her admit the affair about legal his A. Thats why she being. Little bit.its just such an intolerable place for a mother to be red flag and one should not reconcile the! Playing nice how long did it take for him to do his at. And the truth is he was shaking thinking I was still skeptical a lot of who I am so at. And never said things she regretted that are being faced will he bolt? you believe in yourself far than... Hes a frightened little forest creature now month later he wants a D. will not down! At anytime the conditions were right, family commitments aside the answers, right now br > < br And I was worried to go back to work because of what they were saying and what they thought. Lots of emotions but hey-oh some great moments too. We go to church every Sunday and are involved members and leaders of our church. He was shaking thinking I was going to dump him and end our M b/c of it. Seeing the crazy in my eyes. This is the fear of the CS: exposure for their behavior and the truth that they are to blame. Thank you TheFirstWife! Diagnosing an MLC is no different than if one were sick. How strange to have to do all this with the person who you trusted the most and who is now the most dangerous risk of all to your emotional and financial health and wellbeing. My advice to you is this.you are in crisis, so make no major decisions. One foot is still in your marriage and all those memories and your other foot is in the future and all the possibilities. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION. I still see red flags actions do not match words at all. I posted my reply to you below x. NC is the only way to flush this situation out. But do not hold onto bitterness.

I wish I was done with him it would be easier, but if he keeps mucking up. You are handling this quite well given you are battling on all fronts / business, M and finances. Try not to expend so much energy on the what ifs and focus more on what you can do to keep your well being intact. He is a very funny guy. Theres always a cost and a lesson. when you say you stopped playing nice how long did it take for him to ping back to you? his behavior in one day went from I love you to I want a D To I love you and want to be married to you. I dont trust my life in the least. But none of this is for me to judge. Much shopping and a decent amount of mani-pedi action. Sitting in my lounge chair on a sunny day helped too. That dynamic of going to bed with the ocean in between is so apt. (She got divorced seven months later.). Hang tough and lawyer up I guess that is your only option now? Very good read. Little did I know at the time he had been having a physical affair with a woman for several months and he became violent with me so that she could move into my home. OK Im worried about your joint business and financial assets. But also at least you might have gained a sense of closure. Ive been too good to them. D-day 1 of ILYBNILWY was March 2015. The minute I do the detaching he comes pinging back. Thanks TFW, it has been a very tough few days. Hell no I didnt trust him.

Or at the first sign of challenges or issues that are being faced will he bolt?. But certainly not if its agaunst your layers recommendations.

He has done far too much choosing for me, without concern for me. There was no difference in his attitude toward me. No more buying the lies. Follow our journey as we save our marriage after an emotional affair, asking yourself what you did to cause your spouse to leave, https://www.marriage.com/advice/counseling/know-about-spousal-abandonment-syndrome/, http://thenarcissistinyourlife.com/narcissists-abandon-their-families-and-re-invent-themselves-4/, http://spartanlifecoach.com/covert-narcissistic-abuse-unmasked/, Terms of Service/Privacy Policy/Affiliate Disclosure. But I want our marriage and I want you. Those were the sweetest words to hear but I was still skeptical. Theres lots of sights in it for the money. Then hilarity ensued, although I was unaware for weeks what happened between them, and he moved in with his sister 6 doors down from where we lived. I dont know what would have happened to my well being if he had not. Now go and take the next step by posting her photo and story on: Bob. I think Ive been in so much shock I have literally been unable to get past the v in that statement. Now, to another issue. Fog. Yep sorry youre going to have to make the effort because well hes a frightened little forest creature now. I dreaded going to bed but I didnt want my kids seeing me in another room sleeping. Literally. Cant take it back. You are gorgeous ShiftingImps. TheFirstWife, Thanks so much for the detailed breakdown. I said I was going home and going to bed. I would go to the grocery store and have anxiety attacks I would leave. God Bless your Dad. Regular readers know how that went down. Im going to print this out and put it in my journal for future reference (regardless of your very naughty swear words LOL!!!). I am all over it. Hes had a taste of freedom (which is a false sense of freedom more accurately) however R is probably going to seem like a backwards move to him in his current misguided quest for some half-baked idea of self actualisation. You are very wise when you say my confused H will drown everyone.
Thats why I do not mention OW at all as that feeds the drama and by not mentioning it and therefore appearing unconcerned about it then the thrill (power high) is reduced. I have had my BIL who lives in the same country call her and let her know the man she slept with is married. But please do not cheat. I am so bad at all those acronyms or whatever you call them. When I asked him if the EA was worth it .at least Im still aliveyup, having an EA saved his life. You believe in yourself far more than you believe in anyone else. OW is a young divorcee who lives in a rented studio apartment and has a low paying job so no assets to speak of, hence her pursuit of my H. She is 15 years or so younger than me. The truth is he was scraping away at her facade and about to make her admit the affair. Thank you for the support. There s no way that was the case. I would not expect any support from them either. Three days later he walks in the door and says he wants a D. Will not back down. ???? BSA has had some good info but lately shes into an area for which I have very little interest. Hang in there! I cant go through the final disappointment over and over. Along with prayer is wusfim to become very educated about what youre dealing with as far as his mothers character or lack there of.

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